There is something so amazingly gratifying and humbling about operating a business. It's especially gratifying operating a business with your spouse as well as homeschooling your kids and making it happen. 

When it comes to social media, I adore it for so many reasons. It can be a tool for connecting with old friends, classmates, new friends. A place for inspiration and motivation, learning and sharing, educating and growing. We use our social platform not only to bring awareness and market our brand, All Things O'Natural LLC, but to also connect with people around the globe through holistic living, homeschool, design, art, DIY and visual storytelling. And, I must say, there are some absolutely amazing accounts and amazing people that I've been inspired by. One in particular is the brand, Design*Sponge.

Design*Sponge was created by the talented Grace Bonny, who is a blogger, book writer and inspiration to over 900,000 on Instagram alone. I was attracted to her platform via Instagram not only because of the gorgeous photos that she posts to her wonderfully curated page, but also because she uses her huge platform to address conversations on diversity, inclusion, mindfulness of thought, speech and approach when dealing with issues of racism, privilege, sexism and the likes. Her book, "In The Company of Women" is a New York Times best seller and Design*Sponge also features some of the most amazing home tours EVER!!!

So, one amazing day in October 2017, actually it was on October 4 to be exact, senior writer for Design*Sponge, Sofia Tuovinen, inboxed me asking if my husband, Syeed and I would like to be featured as a Home Tour guest on their blog...Wait..What?!?!

Can you imagine my excitement? I have oogled over their site and have been swooned by many of their home tours for a few years now. So, can you guess what my answer was......

So, fast forward to 2 months later and at the wake of our 1 year anniversary of owning our home (we closed on December 12, 2016...also our wedding anniversary), our home tour is humbly gracing the blog, Instagram and Facebook accounts of Design*Sponge. Side note*** all of the support you guys have shown on our All Things O'Natural Instagram account as well as all of the comments left on our account and on the feature, as well as on Design*Sponge and Sofia.Tuovinen accounts are just simply mind blowing...we can't thank you enough! Your continuous support helped us get here.

To view our feature, please click on the picture below and feel free leave us a comment (trust me, we read them ALL), share and enjoy!