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HAIR GROWTH..And What Affects It

By Dominique Harris
on July 16, 2014
With 0 comments

24 months post BC
Hola Chicas/Chicos..I pray all is well with everyone. Ok, now talk about a topic that's super popular in the natural hair community and that's 'HAIR GROWTH'. There are loads of products that promise growth, hundreds of techniques that promise growth and more..Now, while we may not all be obssessed with it, we all love to see a little growth here and there within our tresses. However, when that want turns into an obsessed need, that's when we find ourselves trying every product on the market, trying every technique that many have never even thought nor heard of, just to see our tresses move one step further than what it was.. YESTERDAY!! That can definitely get us into some hot water and create bigger issues. So, let's just chat about what actually affects our hair growth. Now this one may get pretty lengthy and I will try to explain as best as possible what affects hair growth to where it may be easier to understand, so if I fall short, don't judge me, lol..kidding!


     In order of what affects hair growth from the least to the most effective are:




determines our hair growth cycles and hair loss cycles, such as balding patterns.




Birth control and events such as pregnancy





Because any of the nutrients we get from food are FIRST utilized by our bodies, our hair and nails receive any left over proteins, vitamins, water and nutrients after the body has used them. So, if our diets are already poor and our water intake is not so great, any possible vitamins, minerals and nutrients from the food eaten are distributed within our bodies and if none are left for our hair and nails, this affects how the hair and nails grow. So, this is why it is stressed to try as much as possible to feed our bodies great healthy foods and have great water intake.




Extremely important factor that is many times overlooked in terms of healthy hair growth. Exercise promotes oxygen flow. It also releases endorphins (neurotransmitters , which are chemicals that pass signals along one neuron to the next). They are the pain blockers and are responsible for our feelings of pleasure. Which is why when we exercise or have a great workout, we feel great, pleasurable (they are also released during sex, as it serves as a form of exercise in a sense as well). And, exercise regulates the adrenal glands which are responsible for your body's relation to stress.




The top dog. Did you know that a stressful event can cause the hair to go into a 'resting phase' known as the TELOGEN PHASE(the resting phase of the hair..this is where our hair sheds and falls out). Now, normal hair shedding is between 75-100 hairs per day, however, excessive shedding can be created by a few things. Now, let me go a little deeper. On average, about 85%-95% of the hairs on our heads are in the growing phase (ANAGEN PHASE), and the others are resting (TELOGEN PHASE). The hair is normally in the Anagen or growing phase for 2-4 years then it enters the resting or Telogen phasefor about 2-4 months, then it falls out and is replaced by a new growing hair. Now, when a stressful event occurs, the hair will enter what is called TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM. This is where some body change or shock pushes MORE hairs into the Telogen (resting phase). So when a person is struggling with Telogen Effluvium, they may lose 300 hairs vs 100 hairs per day. Here is a list of things that can triggerTelogen Effluvium:

(1) Sugery
(2) Major physical trauma
(3) Major psychological stress
(4) High fever, severe infection or other illness
(5) Extreme weight loss
(6) Extreme change in diet
(7) Abrubt hormonal changes, such as childbirth or menopause
(8) Iron defenciency
(9) Hyperthyroidism
(10) Some medications
(11) Poor diet (in some cases)

Now, keep in mind, because the hair rests for 2-4 months, you may not experience the excessive shedding until a few months later, so that will cause you to back track and think about what major stressful event may be the cause..For example, if in February, I begin to experience excessive shedding, I would think back to the surgery (c-section) that I had in October as the potential cause of my excessive shedding. The great news is that normally, no one can tell that your hair is experiencing this excessive shedding but you and the Telogen Effluvium usually runs its course within 6-9 months. (note: see your doc if you begin to experience bald patches or more extreme hair loss, this could be something different).

A few other things that can affect Hair Growth are:

(A) STYLING TECHNIQUES: combs, brushes, use of heat, harsh chemical use (relaxers, color, texturizers)


(C) SCALP ISSUES: These are created by numerous things and because our scalp is sensitive, it is imperative that we do things to make sure that it functions properly. Try not to use nails or objects such as combs to scratch the scalp. These make tiny microscopic slits on the scalp and forces the scalp to go into a 'repair mode' which can make it malfunction. And because our scalp produces normal sebum (oil) it's usually not necessary to add additional oils to the scalp, which creates clogged pores in the scalp and over time will cause the scalp to malfunction.

(D) WASHING: Many harsh ingredients (sulfates in particular) strip the scalp of it's natural sebum causing some to assume the scalp is dry, which in turn makes us want to 'grease/oil' the scalp, again, potentially creating scalp malfunction which leads to other scalp issues. Our hair's pH range is between 4.5-5.5, so it's best to try to utilize products that fall into that range. Now, cleansers are usually formulated at higher pH, however, this is where a conditioner plays a major part because they are usually formulated at lower pH levels to help close the cuticle , soften and temporarily repair the hair. ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) rinses are great for aiding in scalp issues and for protecting the hair and scalp from harmful contaminants and it helps protect the hair by closing the cuticle preventing further damage to the hair. So, yes, ingredients do matter. For more information on potentially harsh/harmful ingredients, check out this post for 10 things to avoid putting on your hair: click here  

NATURAL HAIR GROWTH..Tips On Growing Healthy Hair

By Dominique Harris
on July 16, 2014
With 1 comments

Hola Chicas/Chicos..I pray all is well with everyone!!

I thought I would drop in and give the scoop on the question I receive quite often, which is 'How do you get your hair to grow so quickly?' Well, I can tell ya one thing..I don't take vitamins, I don't apply any miracle serum and my own products do not contain magical ingredients that would cause my hair to grow any quicker than what it is naturally intended to grow given that I give it a healthy environment to grow in.
So without further ado, Let's recap Natural Hair and HEALTHY GROWTH.. Now, keep in mind,  hair grows at a rate of about 1/4-1/2 INCH per month. The rate of our hair growth is determined by a few things, a few are: genetics, diet, and how we treat our hair overall. If we give our hair a nice platform/environment to grow, it will grow.  Here's some tips that ensure healthy hair growth, which is the main importance..HEALTHY


(1)KEEP THE SCALP CLEAN . Applying large amounts of oils and butters only clog the pores on our scalp. Our scalp produces natural oils and many times it has an over production or does not produce as much due to a few things. (a) Years of being clogged using clog poring ingredients (silicones, mineral oil, petroleum, oils, butters). (b) lack of water intake..It's very important that we drink plenty of water (c) Improper diet. Certain foods can have allergic reactions in our bodies and many times,we do not know it unless we keep a journal of foods that cause us to have reactions on our scalp, you will normally see scalp issues such as dermatitis, psoriasis, etc (dairy is known to be a major culprit, but not the only culprit)...Ok, so back on track, be sure to keep the scalp clean and healthy. Making sure to thoroughly cleanse at least once per month using a clarifying cleanser and herbal, tea or acv rinses and co-washing..So again, keep the scalp clean, it's a living breathing organ and is easily clogged which causes it to malfunction

(2) PROPER DIET AND WATER INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Again. Proper diet, Exercise and good water intake. Exercise is an excellent way to get blood circulation flowing which encourages healthy hair growth. 

(3) MOISTURE. Be sure to keep the hair moisturized properly. A wonderful way that has ensured that my tresses stay moisturized is..First, apply water or a water based product to the hair...Then, apply a butter or oil to lock/seal in the moisture.

(4) TRIMMING/DUSTING: Trim hair when needed. Because our ends can make or break our hair, it is of the utmost importance to keep them hydrated and trimmed when needed.

(5) HIH (HAND IN HAIR SYNDROME).  Try at all possible to keep hands out of hair. I know we love love love our natural and want to rub on it, or our significant other loves to rub on it, but this can cause friction which leads to breakage. If it helps, keep hair in protective styles such as twists or braids/plaits, buns (not too often) so it's less tempting to caress our tresses.

(6) PRODUCTS JUNKY-ISM. Try, if possible, to remain faithful to a few products..When we indulge in many products, we have a harder time to know what may or may not create an issue with our hair. Giving a product time to work is one of the best ways to know if a product is truly working for your hair. What I have found for myself and other naturals who have achieved healthy hair and awesome growth is that we are faithful to the products we use and usually don't succumb to product tempting as it is. (some awesome women who have achieved wonderful healthy hair and use very minimal products besides me (wink) are Naptural85, Chime with Hair Crush, Pam with Koils by Nature)

(7) NIGHT PROTECTION. Protect your hair at night with a satin scarf, bonnet or satin pillowcase, whichever works best for you

(8) DOCUMENT YOUR JOURNEY..Pictures are an awesome way to see your growth. Because we see ourselves daily, it's hard to see our growth. On those days, weeks, months that I wasn't sure my hair was growing, I would look back on pics and see the growth. Those of us who have FB pages, we love for you to post your pics to our page..then revisit those pages a month or two later and look at those pics again.

(9) USE HEAT SPARINGLY OR NOT AT ALL. The use of heat can create a host of issues on the hair. So if at all possible, use as sparingly as possible and should you choose to use heat, be sure to use on clean hair and apply a heat protectant each time. 

(10) PATIENCE..No matter how many products promise this, that or the third, hair grows at the rate that it is naturally designed to grow..Have patience, love it, nourish it and take care of it and it will grow..but more importantly it will grow healthy!!

If you love it..It will Grow..Healthy!! 

..Have a Happy Natty Day!!!
**Where to find: Tee that I'm rocking is available at Tangles And Beyond 
Earrings available at


By Dominique Harris
on July 16, 2014
With 2 comments

Greetings, Beautiful People...I pray all is well with everyone. 

Now, let's chat about one of the culprits that truly aid in dry hair..and that's PRODUCT BUILDUP.

Before we get into the how of how to rid the hair of product buildup, let's chat about how it affects the hair.


  • Locks Moisture Out...prevents the hair from receiving moisture which aids in dryness and brittleness. 

  • Greasy/Peasy..Product buildup gives hair a greasy feeling and instead of it being properly moisturized and have a feeling of hydration, it has a feeling of grimy buildup.

  • Clogs the pores on the scalp...clogs the pores of the scalp thereby aiding in further scalp issues

  • This new product just didn't work..Product buildup prevents the hair from responding to the use of new products when trying for the 1st time. Note... It's always important to clarify the hair when using a new product for the 1st time to truly see how the product is working.

    And be sure to deep condition anytime you shampoo/clarify cleanse your hair.


How To Prevent or Rid the Hair of Product Buildup


In order to prevent product buildup from creating dryness, it's best to do a thorough cleansing of the hair using a cleanser or DIY (do it yourself) treatment to thoroughly cleanse the hair. Many shampoos are not formulated strong enough to remove some natural oils such as castor oil and many synthetic ingredients, so a clarifying poo would be the best way to go. I mention some awesome natural clarifiers below.


Co-washing (conditioner washing) is a great way to lightly brush off some dirt and aid in retaining moisture in the hair. However, co-washing is not formulated to be strong enough to remove synthetic ingredients and many oils, so it's a great idea to clarify the hair at least monthly (if using all aural ingredients) and twice per month (if using products with synthetic ingredients). Conditioners are also usually formulated at lower ph levels to help close the cuticle which is mot beneficial for cleansing the hair thoroughly, and they are great for temporarily restoring moisture and temporarily repairing the hair. However, anytime I cleanse (which is usually every 3-4 weeks) I use my Natty ACV Hair and Scalp Mist as a pre cleanse and as a final rinse (as a final rinse, I simply spray the mist onto my scalp and hair after final rinsing). I also use the Natty ACV Mist to keep my scalp clean in between cleansing. 


A great all natural cleansers is our Dudu Osum Black shampooTerressentials pure earth wash, the bentonite clay treatment (of course there are tons more). Apple Cider Vinegar is also a great way to help with the cleansing process of removing product buildup. It also help to protect the scalp from fungi, debris, bacteria and other contaminants found in tap water and environmental elements. A simple ACV rinse is to combine 1 TSP of ACV to 8 oz of cool distilled or filtered water and pour onto clean, conditioned and rinsed hair as your final rinse. Do not rinse the mixture out. You can also combine this mixture in a nice applicator bottle and apply to hair and scalp as a pre cleanse for helping to remove buildup. ACV also helps to close the cuticle on the hair helping the hair minimize frizz and impart sheen to the hair. Check out this great video how to of a helpful cleansing method to help rid the hair of product buildup: Cleansing Video .

As always, I hope this tip was helpful and remember, clean hair and scalp = happy hair and scalp.

**For the look above

Earrings by Dope Crochet

Mineral Lipstick in Classic by Motives

Lip Balm by Natty Naturals


By Dominique Harris
on July 16, 2014
With 6 comments

Greetings Chicas/Chicos..I pray all is well with everyone!!

Ok, so let's talk about a subject that is a 'much talked about subject' when discussing natural hair. And that is DRYNESS. Now, keep in mind, natural hair is naturally drier that straight hair due to the fact that the oils that are produced by the scalp do not easily 'slide' down the follicle of the hair due to the curls and bends in natural hair. We should also understand that just because hair shines does not necessarily mean that it is healthy. Shine and health do not go hand in hand and sheen/shine is due to how light reflects off of a surface. This is why straighter darker hair appears more shiny than other hues of hair, and when it comes to natural hair, again, the shine is not as prevalent due to how light reflects..or rather, does not reflect due to the curls and bends in the natural pattern of curly, coily and kinky hair. So, when we want our natural healthy hair to have a sheen, we help it along by adding moisturizers and butters and oils to give it the desired look we want.  Ok, but now you ask, 'how do I achieve healthy hair that does not feel brittle?' Well, let's discuss that now!!


  • EXCESSIVE USE OF HEATExcessive heat is when we use items such as blow dryers, flat irons and other straightening tools on our hair. Using excessive heat can cause dryness due to the heat pulling the natural moisture from our hair. In addition, you could expose your hair to possible heat damage. When this happens, you melt the protein bond of the hair changing the molecular structure and the once beautiful coil is now damaged and straight, known as 'heat damage'. Unfortunately, there is no way to correct, but treat the ends as you would relaxed ends and either clip them away at once or gradually clip them away. Want to check out my post on using heat to prevent heat damage, click HERE



  • CHECK YOUR INGREDIENTS Products that are in many commercial, non natural products as well as some natural products are main culprits of aiding in dryness. Products that contain silicones can block moisture from penetrating the hair and many regular shampoos are not formulated to remove many silicones, which is why a hair detox may be needed to thoroughly remove buildup from the hair and scalp. Silicones give the illusion of a faux sheen that acts as wax buildup that can be difficult to remove, aiding in dryness.  This layer of buildup blocks the hair from receiving proper moisture, leaving hair feeling dry and you feeling frustrated. Detoxing the hair requires the use of a strong cleanser, such as Bentonite or Rhassoul Clay Treatments, various black soap shampoos, such as SheaMoisture Black Soap Shampoo and Dudu Osum Black Soap Shampoo and a thorough cleansing of nothing but the shampoo for up to 7 days, known as 'hair detoxing'. Though I do use natural and organic products, I do a hair detox of 3 days once per year to ensure buildup is thoroughly removed, as natural ingredients can buildup over time as well. Be sure to check your ingredients to ensure that your tresses receive nourishment as some of these ingredients are known to be very drying in the long term use of them. If you are ensure of an ingredients, visit the manufacturers website or google the ingredient to stay 'in the know' of what you are putting on your hair and scalp.


  • IMPROPERLY MOISTURIZING:  Dampening hair with water or a water based product are EXCELLENT!! However, water evaporates quickly, so once the hair dries, it is DRY. So, to combat this and ensure the moisture is locked in, first, apply water or a water based product such as our Leave In Conditioner , ACV Hair + Scalp Mist. or even our Rose + Hibiscus Toner Mist loaded with Rose Hydrosol, THEN lock/seal the moisture in with a butter or oil based product. And since our ends are the oldest part of the hair, be sure to pay special attention to them. A helpful tip that I learned from Ciprana of Urban Bush Babes was dip end into water, or mist them thoroughly with water, soak up the excess water with a paper towel or old t-shirt, then apply a heavy butter such as our Hair + Body Butter) or a natural oil, such as castor oil to your ends and protect at night. Protecting the hair at night with a satin/silk bonnet, scarf or pillow case is key to helping the hair to retain moisture as cotton absorbs moisture from the hair. 


  • PRODUCT BUILDUPit's great to nourish the hair with natural butter based and oil based products, however, not properly cleansing at least monthly will aid in product buildup. At least once per month, try clarifying the hair using a natural clarifying shampoo such as our Dudu Osum Shampoo. When product is constantly built up on the hair, moisture is not allowed to properly penetrate the hair, thereby aiding in dryness and lack luster hair.



  • HARD WATERBecause normal tap water contains chlorine and other minerals that aid in dryness, it's great to use distilled water to cleanse the hair..OR.. Apple Cider Vinegar rinses are great for aiding in ridding the hair of mineral buildup. The use of Apple Cider Vinegar as a final rinse is great for helping to close the hair's cuticle, which helps the hair hold on to more moisture and gives hair a shinier appearance. It also aids in protecting the scalp from water and environmental contaminants that aid in scalp issues. Water filter systems are excellent as well, just be sure that your system removes chlorine as well.  Add our ACV Hair + Scalp Mist to your healthy hair regimen, loaded with herbs infused Apple Cider Vinegar.


  • LACK OF WATER, IMPROPER DIET AND CERTAIN MEDICATION: 'Let Food Be Thy Medicine' a popular quote by Hippocrates meaning, what we put into our bodies affect what comes out of it. Food is meant to nourish, but as we all know, all foods are not nourishing. So be sure to treat your temple to foods that are healthy and nourishing, especially fruits and veggies. Be sure to get plenty of water. Our bodies are made up of mostly water and we need to ensure to we keep it stocked with water, so bottoms up!! And lastly, certain prescription medication can aid in causing dryness in the hair. Check with your medical professional to find out if hair and skin dryness are side effects of any medication you may be prescribed. 


Happy Natty Day!


Healthy Natural hair with moisturizing aids and butters and oils to seal. Hair that is dry makes a crunchy sound and feels rough to the touch. Properly moisturized hair when pulled, will immediately spiral back into a coil. Hair that is dry and damaged tends to snap and break easily when pulled.

Healthy Natural hair with moisturizing aids and butters and oils to seal. Listen to your hair, feel your hair..get to know your hair and recognize when it's time to step up the moisture game. 

So, What's The Rave About..OIL PULLING

By Dominique Harris
on July 09, 2014
With 0 comments

It's What We Love Wednesday!! 
And what we are loving...OIL PULLING!!
This is a method that we use in our household as we continuously strive for a holistic lifestyle. Testimony: My husband had became distracted from oil pulling and about a few months after, his gums began to bother, he once again, rekindled his journey of oil pulling and within DAYS his gums gave him nooo issues. So, once again, he is a firm believer in oil pulling


For those who may be unfamiliar, Oil pulling is a method that's been around for thousands of years in Ayurvedic practices by East Indians, that requires the use of 1 TBSP of a natural beneficial oil (usually Coconut or Sesame Oil) and swished around in the mouth for 20 minutes which aids in pulling the toxins found in our mouth from our mouth. Recently, it's widely used as a tool for detoxification of your whole body..And as I always believe, the whole body entails mind, body and spirit. From the foods we eat, to the chemicals we put on our skin, to how we think all work together as a team to form a holistic lifestyle. Our bodies are exposed to so many toxins and it's beneficial to help minimize the toxins that we are exposed to and that attempt to remain in our bodies. 


Studies have shown that it reduces the issues of tooth decay, plaque and gum disease by minimizing most strains of the bacteria Streptococcus. How it works, is the fatty acid of coconut oil turns into acid, which in turn is toxic to certain bacteria. It is also known to be beneficial to destroying the yeast found in our mouths. Oil Pulling may help to lessen the overall toxic burden (as mentioned above) on your immune system by preventing the spread of these organisms from your mouth to the rest of your body. 

In terms of oral health, It has been known to possibly:

  • Strengthen gums and teeth
  • Prevent bad breath
  • Aid in preventing bleeding gums
  • Prevent dryness of lips, mouth and throat
  • Naturally whitens teeth

In terms of overall health, it has been known to possibly aid in:

  • Migraine relief
  • Correcting hormone balances
  • reducing inflammation of arthritis
  • Reducing eczema
  • Relieve sinus congestion
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Reduces pain
  • Reduces symptoms of allergies
  • Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms


On an empty stomach and before drinking anything (so early in the morning), Take 1 TBSP of Sesame Oil or Coconut Oil (we have used both, but prefer coconut,due to it primarily consisting of lauric acid, which is an antimicrobial which aids in effectively destroying fungi, bacteria and some viruses...It also gave quicker results than the sesame oil, but be sure to test for yourself and see which works better for you) and swish around in your mouth, as if using a mouth wash, for 20 minutes (for beginners, if 20 minutes is a long time, try 10 first, but 20 minutes gives you a head start to experiencing the benefits). Be sure NOT to swallow and if you feel you may swallow, spit out and start again. After 20 minutes, spit oil out (it should be white and foamy and no longer clear, this is a sign that the oil holds toxins within). Rinse mouth thoroughly with salt water, then brush. It may seem unusual at first, but once you get used to it, you grow to love it and incorporate it into your daily routine. 
Newbie tip: if this is your first time oil pulling, understand that it is a detoxification process for the body as a whole. As a first time, you may experience what is called Herx Reaction, which is a reaction where you may feel worse before feeling better because your body is going through a detoxification process. It's your body's way of telling you that the fungus, bacteria, parasites and other pathogens are effectively dying off. Since our bodies are filled with so many toxins, many of which enter through the mouth and skin, once these nasties die off, your body will react. 


Within the first 2 weeks, I noticed my teeth appeared whiter and absolutely no bleeding from my gums. After 2 weeks, I noticed my skin clearing from any breakouts. I don't suffer with headaches, allergies or congestion, so I can't truly say on those. After 3 1/2 weeks, I noticed my breath is fresher, even in the early morning and my lips were a lot less dry. And ole dentist said, 'whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it as your teeth and gums are in great condition). For my husband, who suffers with allergies from time to time, noticed a difference in his allergies once he rekindled oil pulling. He also had a lump in his wrist that I felt was toxin buildup that went away after about a week and a half. So, while we can't vouch for all things that are claimed to become reduced, helped or healed with oil pulling, we can definitely vouch for our personal experience of ailments we may have experienced from oil pulling. We also recently introduced to our 8 year old and will introduce to our other 3 once they reach an age where they understand that you do not SWALLOW the nasty mixture..yukkers! Until next time..A Bientot!
HERE:  Dr. Mercola discusses the scoop on Oil Pulling
**Note: This information is not intended to diagnose, cure or heal any health illnesses. For any health issues, please consult your local practitioner.

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